Honeymoon with Harmony
The red sun rises early on the day you wed no-longer-Dame Harmony Sonata, Princess of Riadorf!
Your siblings and their spouses are all in attendance, your mother (a famed space-lawyer and Justice of the Space Peace) performs the ceremony, and your father, Emperor Alistair bestows upon you as a bridal gift a palace with a full auditorium and recording studio for Harmony and a practice hall in which you may continue to deepen your mastery of the art of Boot Sway.
As the triple moons rise, your wife carries you to the recording studio and tenderly bends you over the space mixing desk.
“Did you hear that Duke Dashington married his librarian Bryon Keates and the infamous mercenary the Silver Marauder?” she enquires as she skillfully manipulates a dildo made of spun space-glass in your wet womanhood.
“No!” you gasp. “How fascinating! What do you think they do together?”
“Well,” Harmony muses, and whispers her imaginings in your ear, to the eventual and immense satisfaction of you both.
“O, Xanastasia!” she cries.
“O, Harmony!” you swoon. “How happy I am that I was betwixt the dilemmas of Dashington Station! With amnesia!”
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